Other HPSS items
A non-DCE HPSS client is being worked on at SDSC. There are some very pressing reasons why SDSC have to do this work. The development is being done on AIX. Although the software is very well advanced, there are legal/licensing issues to be resolved before CACR can obtain it.
The HPSS client code has been made to compile on an HP/UX workstation. Work on this has now stopped, however, since the interest was for a client that runs on the SPP2000. The SPP2000 will never run DCE and HP/UX (see slide dedicated to this topic).
During the first days after the Mars Pathfinder landing, JPL were hammering the Caltech HPSS with 85 GByte movie files.
Caltechs SSA disks are pitifully slow cf. the claimed 9 MBytes/sec quoted by IBM.
As part of the GIOD project activities, P.Marchesina and J.Draskic-Ostojic have begun work at CERN on developing a Java client to both manage the Objy/HPSS interface, and to provide end users with additional functionality and tools