The Caltech/CACR HP Exemplar SPP2000
The HP Exemplar at Caltech was officially dedicated on June 9th.
A large poster was displayed describing the GIOD project.
A one-day technical collaboration meeting was held between HP engineers, CACR, JPL and the HEP group on June 10th.
The Objectivity installation on the SPP was checked, used and later removed (see slide on Licenses)
The latest CERNLIb was installed
Created Objy federated databases on SPP, checked locking mechanisms, communication paths.
Investigated issue of Exemplar having only 4 IP addresses (one per hypernode of 64 CPUs):
- Objectivity AMS and Lockserver bind to special ports
- Therefore cannot start more than 4 Objy servers on the SPP
- A limit on the potential scaling tests