... Makes a plain text file out of every message
in all your Outlook folders.
For Windows XP running Outlook/Office XP
Download the Zip file here.
Instructions follow:
1) You probably don't have the Jsharp .NET runtime
v1.0. Install it from:
2) Install CDO 1.21 from Windows XP Office (appears as "Collaboration
Data Objects" under Outlook custom install option)
3) Create a directory c:\temp if you don't already have one
(the text file archive directories will be created in this directory ...
don't ask why it is like this :-))
4) You may be more comfortable making a backup of your Outlook .pst
file at this point ... just in case. I haven't had any problems running
this code, but that's not a guarantee that it's impossible.
5) Execute ArchiveMail.exe from a command prompt window
6) Select your Outlook profile in the dialog box that appears
7) When prompted, allow access to your .pst file, and then
watch as the text messages are created.
The source code is provided: Visual J# and .NET
Julian Bunn
(c) 2003