Subroutine F_PREPARE_MLS(mls,ierr) ! ! MLS sequence generator for up to 4 taps in a 24 bit register ! ! (c) Julian J. Bunn, 1999, parameter (maxelements=24) integer bit(maxelements) integer tap(4,maxelements) integer ntap(maxelements) data NTAP / 0, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 4, 2, 2, 2, 4, & & 4, 4, 2, 4, 2, 2, 4, 2, 2, 2, 2, 4/ data TAP / 0, 0, 0, 0, & & 1, 2, 0, 0, & & 1, 3, 0, 0, & !!! This used to be 2,3 ! & 3, 4, 0, 0, & & 3, 5, 0, 0, & & 5, 6, 0, 0, & & 6, 7, 0, 0, & & 2, 3, 5, 8, & & 5, 9, 0, 0, & & 7,10, 0, 0, & & 9,11, 0, 0, & & 6, 8,11,12, & & 9,10,12,13, & & 4, 8,13,14, & & 14,15, 0, 0, & & 4,13,15,16, & & 14,17, 0, 0, & & 11,18, 0, 0, & & 14,17,18,19, & & 17,20, 0, 0, & & 19,21, 0, 0, & & 21,22, 0, 0, & & 18,23, 0, 0, & & 17,22,23,24/ integer*1 mls(*) ! First calculate the sequence: Initialise the "nelement" bit ! shift register with all 1s, and then generate each bit of ! the sequence do I=1,NELEMENTS BIT(I) = 1 end do do I=1,LSEQUENCE SEQ(I) = -1 if(BIT(NELEMENTS).eq.0) SEQ(I) = 1 IBIT = 0 do J=1,NTAP(NELEMENTS) IBIT = IBIT + BIT( TAP(J,NELEMENTS) ) end do do J=NELEMENTS,2,-1 BIT(J) = BIT(J-1) end do BIT(1) = MOD(IBIT,2) end do ! Initialise the Playback buffer with the MLS samples do I=1,LPLAYBUFFER ! 2*(lsequence+1) INDEX = MOD(I,LSEQUENCE+1) MLS(I) = DACMAX if(SEQ(INDEX).eq.-1) MLS(I) = DACMIN end do ! Construct the Noise matrix: each row is the MLS right shifted one place ! Also contruct the P1tag for each column in the matrix: the tag for a ! column is simply calculated by treating the first nelement numbers as ! the bits set in the tag do ICOL=1,LSEQUENCE P1TAG(ICOL) = 0 P2TAG(ICOL) = 0 end do do IROW=1,NELEMENTS do ICOL=1,LSEQUENCE INP = ICOL - IROW + 1 if(INP.le.0) INP = LSEQUENCE + INP if(SEQ(INP).eq.-1) then P1TAG(ICOL) = IBSET(P1TAG(ICOL),IROW-1) endif end do end do ! With the Tag, we can determine the inverse of the Permutation matrix P1. ! inv(P1) is defined as being the matrix which permutes the columns of ! the Noise matrix so that they are in ascending order of Tag value ! Calculate the P2Tag ... this is computed from the rows of the Noise ! matrix after permutation with P1 do K=0,NELEMENTS-1 INDEX = 2**K do I=1,LSEQUENCE ICOL = P1TAG(I) if(ICOL.eq.INDEX) then do IROW=1,LSEQUENCE ! for this row (irow) and column (i) find if Seq bit is set INP = I - IROW + 1 if(INP.le.0) INP = LSEQUENCE + INP if(SEQ(INP).eq.-1) then P2TAG(IROW) = IBSET(P2TAG(IROW),K) endif end do goto 100 endif end do 100 continue end do ! The next section of code is not used: it calculates the Sylvester-type ! Hadamard matrix of order (lsequence+1) ! The base Hadamard matrix (of order 2) from which the total matrix will be evol ! Hadamard(1,1) = 1 ! Hadamard(1,2) = 1 ! Hadamard(2,1) = 1 ! Hadamard(2,2) = -1 ! do i=2,nelements ! last = 2**(i-1) ! do irow=1,last ! do icol=1,last ! Hadamard(last+icol,irow) = Hadamard(icol,irow) ! Hadamard(icol,last+irow) = Hadamard(icol,irow) ! Hadamard(last+icol,last+irow) = -Hadamard(icol,irow) ! end do ! end do ! end do ! write(6,*) ' Hadamard matrix:' ! do i=1,lsequence+1 ! write(6,'(10(i3,1x))') (Hadamard(i,j),j=1,lsequence+1) ! end do End Subroutine FHT(ss) ! Takes the measured response (ss) to the MLS, manipulates it, and ! then performs the FHT to retrieve the impulse response of the system ! (c) Julian J. Bunn, 1999, integer*2 ss(*) ! Take the sequence, and permute it with P1 do I=1,LSEQUENCE SEQ(1+P1TAG(I)) = SS(I) end do SEQ(1) = 0 ! Perform the Hadamard Transform IHALF = (LSEQUENCE+1)/2 do ISHIFT=1,NELEMENTS ! calculate the current column values by computing the butterfly do IROW=1,LSEQUENCE+1 if(IROW.le.IHALF) then I2 = 2*IROW ROW(IROW) = SEQ(I2-1) + SEQ(I2) else I2 = 2*(IROW-IHALF) ROW(IROW) = SEQ(I2-1) - SEQ(I2) endif end do do IROW=1,LSEQUENCE+1 SEQ(IROW) = ROW(IROW) end do end do ! Remove the first element, of the permuted, transformed vector, and permute it do IROW=1,LSEQUENCE SEQ(IROW) = SEQ(IROW+1) end do OSEQ = 1./REAL(LSEQUENCE) do ICOL=1,LSEQUENCE HEARD(ICOL) = NINT( OSEQ * REAL(SEQ(P2TAG(ICOL))) ) end do do I=LSEQUENCE+1,LRECORDBUFFER HEARD(I) = 0 end do End