Pythia Portal (prototype) at CACR Envoy:
Screen shot (click for large version)
Example analysis output histogram from ROOT, QCD background and 140Gev Higgs diphoton events, fitted to Gaussian and polynomial background.
Code for analysis:
This function creates the chain of .root files for input, and calls the analysis loop{ TBrowser b; TChain* ch = new TChain("EGAMMA"); ch->Add("../eg05/eg05_Hgg_IVBfusion_m140_1.root"); //ch->Add("../eg05/eg05_Hgg_IVBfusion_m140_*.root"); //ch->Add("../QCD/eg05_jets_merged.root"); gROOT->ProcessLine(".L Analyse_Eg05.C"); Analyse_Eg05 t(ch); t.Loop("QCD_histograms.root"); }This contains the analysis loop function for all events in the chain.
#define Analyse_Eg05_cxx #include "Analyse_Eg05.h" #include#include #include #define MY_PI 3.141592654 Int_t called = 0; // Quadratic background function Double_t background(Double_t *x, Double_t *par) { return par[0] + par[1]*x[0] + par[2]*x[0]*x[0]; } // Lorenzian Peak function Double_t lorentzianPeak(Double_t *x, Double_t *par) { return (0.5*par[0]*par[1]/TMath::Pi()) / TMath::Max( 1.e-10,(x[0]-par[2])*(x[0]-par[2]) + .25*par[1]*par[1]); } // Gaussian Double_t gaussianPeak(Double_t *x, Double_t *par) { Double_t A = par[0]; Double_t mu = par[1]; Double_t sigma = par[2]; A /= sigma; A /= TMath::Sqrt(2.*MY_PI); Double_t B = x[0]-mu; Double_t Gauss = A*TMath::Exp(-B*B/(2*sigma*sigma)); called++; return Gauss; } // Sum of background and peak function Double_t fitFunction(Double_t *x, Double_t *par) { return background(x,par) + gaussianPeak(x,&par[3]); } // Vladimir's energy corection function 1 Float_t Corfac_S25( Double_t eta) { // nore ES25 avec correction HoE,barrel Float_t xcor_S25=1.; if (fabs(eta)<0.25) { xcor_S25=1/0.963; } //0.970 else if (fabs(eta)<0.5) { xcor_S25=1/0.965; } //0.970 else if (fabs(eta)<0.75){ xcor_S25=1/0.961; } //0.969 else if (fabs(eta)<1.) { xcor_S25=1/0.960; } else if (fabs(eta)<1.25){ xcor_S25=1/0.959; } else if (fabs(eta)<1.5) { xcor_S25=1/0.957; } else if (fabs(eta)<1.75){ xcor_S25=1/0.961; } else if (fabs(eta)<2.) { xcor_S25=1/0.961; } else if (fabs(eta)<2.25){ xcor_S25=1/0.962; } else { xcor_S25=1/0.961; } return xcor_S25; } // Vladimir's energy corection function 2 Float_t Corfac_Esc( Double_t eta) { // norme E super_clusters avec correction HoE,barrel Float_t xcor_Esc=1.; if (fabs(eta)<0.25) { xcor_Esc=1/0.971; } else if (fabs(eta)<0.5) { xcor_Esc=1/0.972; } else if (fabs(eta)<0.75){ xcor_Esc=1/0.970; } else if (fabs(eta)<1.) { xcor_Esc=1/0.969; } else if (fabs(eta)<1.25){ xcor_Esc=1/0.968; } else if (fabs(eta)<1.5) { xcor_Esc=1/0.965; } else if (fabs(eta)<1.75){ xcor_Esc=1/0.976; } else if (fabs(eta)<2.) { xcor_Esc=1/0.980; } else if (fabs(eta)<2.25){ xcor_Esc=1/0.981; } else { xcor_Esc=1/0.979; } return xcor_Esc; } void Analyse_Eg05::Loop(char histofile[]) { if (fChain == 0) return; // Photon four vectors Double_t photon[2][4]; // 0 = Px, 1 = Py, 2 = Pz, 3 = E Double_t correction[2][2]; // Energy corrections for each photon // create array of histos TObjArray hlist(0); TH1F *hSCEnergies = new TH1F("hSCEnergies","SuperCluster Energy (GeV/c^2)",100,0.0,200.0); TH1F *hSCET = new TH1F("hSCET","SuperCluster Et (GeV/c^2)",100,0.0,200.0); TH1F *hSCEta = new TH1F("hSCEta","SuperCluster Eta",100,-5.0,5.0); TH1F *hSCPhi = new TH1F("hSCPhi","SuperCluster Phi (Degrees)",100,0.0,2.0*MY_PI); TH1F *hSCRadius = new TH1F("hSCRadius","SuperCluster Radius (cm?)",100,0.0,500.0); TH1F *hSCTheta = new TH1F("hSCTheta","SuperCluster Theta (Degrees)",100,-2.0*MY_PI,2.0*MY_PI); TH2F *hC9b25 = new TH2F("hC9b25","Seed Cluster S9 vs S25 Energy",100,1.0,1.5,100,1.0,1.5); TH1F *hRecMass = new TH1F("hRecMass","Invariant Mass (Uncorrected) of Supercluster Pairs (GeV/c^2)",100,100.,250.); TH1F *hRecMass1 = new TH1F("hRecMass1","Invariant Mass (Correction S25) of Supercluster Pairs (GeV/c^2)",100,100.,250.); TH1F *hRecMass2 = new TH1F("hRecMass2","Invariant Mass (Correction Esc) of Supercluster Pairs (GeV/c^2)",100,100.,250.); hlist.Add(hSCEnergies); hlist.Add(hSCET); hlist.Add(hSCEta); hlist.Add(hSCPhi); hlist.Add(hSCRadius); hlist.Add(hSCTheta); hlist.Add(hC9b25); hlist.Add(hRecMass); hlist.Add(hRecMass1); hlist.Add(hRecMass2); ofstream cfile;"", ios::out); cfile << "ETtot,Eg1,Etg1,Eg2,Etg2,deta,dphi,MHiggs" << endl; Long64_t nentries = fChain->GetEntriesFast(); Long64_t nbytes = 0, nb = 0, nclusters = 0; for (Long64_t jentry=0; jentry GetEntry(jentry); nbytes += nb; // if (Cut(ientry) < 0) continue; nclusters += negsc; if(negsc < 2) continue; // discard events with less than two Egamma superclusters cfile << L1glbl_L1TotEt << " "; Float_t eta1; Float_t phi1; // Extract the measured parameters of each photon, and store as a fourvector for(Int_t k=0;k<2;k++) { Float_t E = egsc_scenergy[k]; Float_t ET = egsc_scet[k]; Float_t eta = egsc_sceta[k]; Float_t phi = egsc_scphi[k]; Float_t theta = egsc_sctheta[k]; Float_t radius = egsc_scradius[k]; cfile << E << " " << ET << " "; if(k == 0) { eta1 = eta; phi1 = phi; } else if (k == 1) { cfile << fabs(eta1-eta) << " " << fabs(phi1-phi); } hSCEnergies->Fill(E); hSCET->Fill(ET); hSCEta->Fill(eta); hSCPhi->Fill(phi); hSCTheta->Fill(theta); hSCRadius->Fill(radius); correction[k][0] = Corfac_S25(eta); // this correction is the best correction[k][1] = Corfac_Esc(eta); Double_t pt = E*sin(theta); // transverse momentum photon[k][0] = pt*cos(phi); // px photon[k][1] = pt*sin(phi); // py photon[k][2] = E*cos(theta); // pz photon[k][3] = E; // E // Get the Supercluster's seed cluster Int_t seed = egsc_sciseed[k]; // Get the seed cluster's S9, S25 Float_t S9 = 1.0e-9 * egc_S9[seed]; Float_t S25 = 1.0e-9 * egc_S25[seed]; //cout << "seed " << seed << " S9 " << S9 << " S25 " << S25 << endl; hC9b25->Fill(S9,S25); } // Calculate the invariant mass of the photon pair, using the fourvectors Double_t P12[4]; //sum of 4-momenta P12[0] = photon[0][0]+photon[1][0]; P12[1] = photon[0][1]+photon[1][1]; P12[2] = photon[0][2]+photon[1][2]; P12[3] = photon[0][3]+photon[1][3]; Double_t recmass = sqrt(P12[3]*P12[3]-P12[0]*P12[0]-P12[1]*P12[1]-P12[2]*P12[2]); hRecMass->Fill(recmass); // Calculate the invariant mass using the E25 correction for energy P12[0] = correction[0][0]*photon[0][0] + correction[1][0]*photon[1][0]; P12[1] = correction[0][0]*photon[0][1] + correction[1][0]*photon[1][1]; P12[2] = correction[0][0]*photon[0][2] + correction[1][0]*photon[1][2]; P12[3] = correction[0][0]*photon[0][3] + correction[1][0]*photon[1][3]; Double_t recmass1 = sqrt(P12[3]*P12[3]-P12[0]*P12[0]-P12[1]*P12[1]-P12[2]*P12[2]); hRecMass1->Fill(recmass1); cfile << " " << recmass1 << endl; // Calculate the invariant mass using the Esc correction for energy P12[0] = correction[0][1]*photon[0][0] + correction[1][1]*photon[1][0]; P12[1] = correction[0][1]*photon[0][1] + correction[1][1]*photon[1][1]; P12[2] = correction[0][1]*photon[0][2] + correction[1][1]*photon[1][2]; P12[3] = correction[0][1]*photon[0][3] + correction[1][1]*photon[1][3]; Double_t recmass2 = sqrt(P12[3]*P12[3]-P12[0]*P12[0]-P12[1]*P12[1]-P12[2]*P12[2]); hRecMass2->Fill(recmass2); } cout << "Total bytes " << nb << endl; cout << "Total clusters " << nclusters << endl; Double_t par[6]; // create a TF1 with the range from 0 to 3 and 6 parameters TF1 *fitFcn = new TF1("fitFcn",fitFunction,100,250,6); TF1 *backFcn = new TF1("backFcn",background,100,250,3); TF1 *signalFcn = new TF1("signalFcn",gaussianPeak,100,250,3); fitFcn->SetNpx(500); // Number of points used to draw the function fitFcn->SetLineWidth(2); fitFcn->SetLineColor(kMagenta); backFcn->SetNpx(500); backFcn->SetLineColor(kRed); backFcn->SetLineWidth(2); signalFcn->SetLineColor(kBlue); signalFcn->SetNpx(500); fitFcn->SetParLimits(3,100.0,10000.0); // Limits on Gauss A fitFcn->SetParLimits(4,120.0,160.0); // Limits on Gauss mu fitFcn->SetParLimits(5,1.0,20.); // Limits on Gauss sigma fitFcn->SetParameters(1,1,1,1000.0,140.0,5.0); // V+ means produce some output from Minuit, and add the fit result to the histogram // "ep" are drawing options - error bars with point //hRecMass1->Fit("fitFcn","V+","ep"); hRecMass1->Fit("fitFcn","V+","ep"); // writes the fit results into the par array fitFcn->GetParameters(par); //fitFcn->Draw("same"); backFcn->SetParameters(par); backFcn->Draw("same"); //signalFcn->SetParameters(&par[3]); //signalFcn->Draw("same"); TString sDetails = "Fit: M=" + TString(Form("%5.1f s=%5.2f GeV/c^2",par[4],par[5])); // draw the legend TLegend *legend=new TLegend(0.6,0.8,1.0,0.6); legend->SetTextFont(72); legend->SetTextSize(0.03); legend->AddEntry(hRecMass,"Data","lpe"); legend->AddEntry(backFcn,"Background","l"); //legend->AddEntry(signalFcn,"Signal Fit","l"); legend->AddEntry(fitFcn,sDetails,"l"); legend->Draw(); TString histos(histofile); if(histos != "") { TFile fout(histofile,"recreate"); hlist.Write(); fout.Close(); } cfile.flush(); cfile.close(); }